We are a group of volunteers who work together to maintain the Wickford Memorial Park. All donations will be gratefully received, and will enable us to make further improvements to our park.
We are a group of volunteers, working with Basildon Council, for the benefit of the community.
Our Mission:
Is to enhance and protect the Memorial Park, to ensure that all visitors have a pleasant experience. To promote community spirit in Wickford and to encourage health and wellbeing for the volunteers and all visitors to the park.
Our organisation is open and inclusive to all residents.
Join our Facebook group
Join our Facebook group to keep up to date with all our events and activities.
Donate via PayPal
We are a group of volunteers who work together to maintain the Wickford Memorial Park. All donations will be gratefully received, and will enable us to make further improvements to our park.
The Wickford Memorial Park has 112 acres of green space, with something for everyone. Check out our ‘Visit Us’ page to learn all about what the park has to offer.
Join us in helping to maintain the park It’s a great way for you to get out, exercise and meet new people – all are welcome!
Wickford Memorial Park was founded in 1949 as a war memorial for the losses of Wickford lives during World War II. Find out more about the history of the park.
We are a group of volunteers who work together to maintain the Wickford Memorial Park. All donations will be gratefully received, and will enable us to make further improvements to our park.
The Wickford Memorial Park has 112 acres of green space, with something for everyone. Check out our ‘Visit Us’ page to learn all about what the park has to offer.
Join us in helping to maintain the park It’s a great way for you to get out, exercise and meet new people – all are welcome!
Wickford Memorial Park was founded in 1949 as a war memorial for the losses of Wickford lives during World War II. Find out more about the history of the park.